Olla podrida or olla del poderío
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400g of Ibeas red beans
- 1 medium-sized onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 sprig of parsley
- Pork marinated in sweet paprika (left for just 1 night)
- (1 leg, 1 ear, 1 tail, 4 ribs, 100g of neck, 100g of pancetta, 1/2 a chorizo)
- 1 medium morcilla [black sausage]
- 1 small tablespoon of sweet paprika
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil
Set the morcilla aside and put the rest of the ingredients into the pot, in the order listed, putting the lid on top when it starts to boil (if using a pressure cooker).
One hour later, check that it has cooked.
Remove the pork cuts very carefully and in reverse order. If anything is still uncooked, finish cooking it separately in its own broth.
Season the beans with salt and add the morcilla, leaving it to cook for another 10 minutes.
Serve the beans in a soup bowl. Slice the pork cuts and serve them on a dish together with the morcilla.
Pincho using the pot filling.
After preparing the stew, dice up the tail, leg (all boneless), snout, chorizo and neck.
Mix it all up with the breadcrumbs and beaten eggs to your liking (depending on the amount of breadcrumbs and egg it will be more or less fluffy).
Shape it into small balls, or croquetas, and fry in plenty of olive oil.
Place the croquetas with the stock and some beans into the oven for 15 minutes (you can also cook it on a low heat in a pot).